Description: New assorted 3mm to 18mm Diamond coated hole saw / drill bits (total: 10 pcs)
Suitable for use in drill hole on glass, marble, tile or granite This diamond coated core drill bit removes a complete circle from glass, tiles, marble, granite, ceramic or other materials and only needs water for lubrication Can be used with a standard electric drill(Not Included) Always use lubrication (water ), otherwise the diamond core drill will burn Start your hole diagonally, make a round trace and then hold drill straight
#Glass #drillbitsettool #Kit #Power Tools #glassceramic #coreholetool #Drill #diamonddrill #saw #marbledrill Note: Các sản phẩm có chất liệu vàng, kim cương, đá quý trong shop đều là xi mạ/ nhân tạo.
Hình ảnh sản phẩm
Bộ 10 mũi khoan mạ kim cương 3-14MMBộ 10 mũi khoan mạ kim cương 3-14MMBộ 10 mũi khoan mạ kim cương 3-14MMBộ 10 mũi khoan mạ kim cương 3-14MMBộ 10 mũi khoan mạ kim cương 3-14MM Giá $RDF